Monday 21 September 2015

Music video analysis-Robbers

The setting seems to be in a deserted area, possibly because it’s early morning which shows them to be uncaring of the outside world and only focusing on eachother.. This emphasizes them being a couple, so the isolation is romantic which introduces their love story. The mid-shotalso shows the couple holding hands which emphasizes their love also the fact that they are slightly angled towards each other, portrays that they are interested in each other. They are also walking into the distance together which suggests they could be on the run or don’t know where they are going.
The lighting lights the background focusing on their silhouettes, which is typically romantic as it’s as if they are the only people. The silhouettes could also suggest that the couple are hiding something more important which foreshadows what is to come. He is also standing above her which implies that he has power in the relationship.

The editing of the video puts scenes in a non-chronological order, which could cause confusion but also interest the audience to show things that they haven’t seen yet for example the wound on the lead character, this style of editing keeps the audience’s attention as they will question where he got the wound from.

The mid shots emphasise the extent of the couple’s relationship, the picture above shows the female character staring lovingly at the male showing they are very much in love and that the song is focused around a relationship, possibly one that is more one sided as he isn’t returning her gaze.

The mise-en-scene is important in this video, for example the musky lighting and a colour scheme consisting of mostly red, black and white. which shows that the video isn’t just about a relationship but other more serious things such as crime and with the title of the song being ‘robbers’ the video fits very well. The alcohol and gun in the main characters hand entices the audience and gets them interested in what they are planning. Drugs are also heavily featured in the video showing that the couple’s relationship isn’t as simple as it first looks.
Overall, the music video is very well executed and fits perfectly for the indie genre of the band and song as it has a narrative. For our group could use aspects of this for example the editing in non-chronological order, although filming a full narrative would be difficult.

Music video analysis-Greek Tragedy

Music video analysis-Greek Tragedy

In the wombats ‘Greek tragedy’ music video in the opening shot below, the girl seems to be enjoying the music, but as the background is  black, this could indicate that there are darker things on her mind or that she is not as innocent as she first seems.
In this mid-shot the character is spotlighted, showing she is what the audience should be focusing on. Also her emotions suggest she is captivated in the music and the singer. The surrounding characters in the darkness show that they are not affecting her and her only focus is on the band, the lighting could be used to trick the audience into thinking she’s an angel.
This low angle shot of the lead singer evokes the sense that he is a Godly type being and this suggests how the character might feel towards him as the shot suggests this is from her point of view. The Godly image is exaggerated in the lighting as he is being back lit which makes him almost a silhouette which is mysterious and shows he is of importance.
The video also has on beat editing in time to the music at the beginning. It goes from the character to home video and fast clips of what is to come in the video which foreshadows what happens. The pace of editing will confuse the audience but intrigue them to carry on watching the video as the editing is too fast to get a clear picture and it helps the audience to remember the song.
The video also contains violence which consists with the tragedy title as usually in tragedies the main character dies, but this contrasts the ‘Greek tragedy’ title as usually in Greek tragedies the main character lives. The violence is also overdramatised which adds a comical effect and also fits with the idea of traditional tragedy plays.
At the end of the video the female character strings the bands corpses up like puppets so she can have her own concert which she has probably been fantasizing about. The idea that the bands are puppets shows that the girl is on control which could represent something deeper e.g. the music industry and the idea that bands are so commercialised they are not themselves or in control of their own music or image, so the use of the character stringing up the band like puppets could suggest that the band disagree with major record labels controlling their artists and they believe bands should create their own image.

Wednesday 9 September 2015


Genre is a class or category of a creative piece of work having a particular form, content or technique.

girl groups- girl groups often have conventions such as dance routines, bright colours, fashionable clothing and a narrative. An example of this is little mixes black magic.
boy groups- boy groups often have conventions of dance routines, girls, a strong location and sometimes matching outfits. An example of this is one directions what makes you beautiful.
indie- indie music videos usually rebel against the conventional often consisting of narrative and performance. But there is more of a focus on the music rather than the image ad singers are usually in casual dress. An example of an indie music video it Mumford and Sons' lover of the light in which there is a strong yet abstract narrative.
rap- conventions in a rap music video will usually consist of half naked woen, cars and money. an example of this is 50 cents candy shop.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Different types of music videos

Performative- performative music videos are simple and consist of the band performing the song.An example of this is Mumford and Sons' i will wait. 

Narrative- narrative music videos include  connected events so its like a story.An example of this is Taylor Swifts blank space as it goes through  a relationship, finally ending the video as the relationship ends.
Abstract-  abstract music videos don't tend to follow a narrative, and could have deeper meanings and themes. An example of this is Sia's chandelier.

Goodwin's theory

Andrew Goodwin wrote 'dancing in the distraction factory'. He wondered whether music videos reflected society. One of his ideas was whether there was a  relationship between the lyrics and what was shown on screen. He said this could be illustrating, amplifying or contradicting. For example fall out boys video for  'American suite hearts'  doesn't match the lyrics.
He also said some videos editing is in time to the music. An example of this is The Wanted's walks like Rihanna. 

He also said that there are genres in music videos and each of these have characteristics. Such as, in rap music videos there are reoccurring themes such as half naked women, money and cars.
There is also almost always close ups of the artist. This is because of branding, celebrity culture, portrayal and the implications of looking good. An example of this is in Mischa B's video as she is not a well known artist so close ups will build recognition.
Also, iconography for branding, style and a unique selling point. An example of this is Michael Jackson as he is very famous for his dance moves and glove, etc.
Also, voyeurism. This includes nudity and revealing clothes as well as exhibitionism, and intimate location, also mirrors as we like to see what we usually cant, an insight into celebrity personal lives. and example of this is Rihannas 'stay'.
Finally, intertextuality.  music videos that reference other music videos, film or TV. and example of this is Weezers buddy holly as they impersonate him and his style, contrasting the genre of the song.