Wednesday 9 September 2015


Genre is a class or category of a creative piece of work having a particular form, content or technique.

girl groups- girl groups often have conventions such as dance routines, bright colours, fashionable clothing and a narrative. An example of this is little mixes black magic.
boy groups- boy groups often have conventions of dance routines, girls, a strong location and sometimes matching outfits. An example of this is one directions what makes you beautiful.
indie- indie music videos usually rebel against the conventional often consisting of narrative and performance. But there is more of a focus on the music rather than the image ad singers are usually in casual dress. An example of an indie music video it Mumford and Sons' lover of the light in which there is a strong yet abstract narrative.
rap- conventions in a rap music video will usually consist of half naked woen, cars and money. an example of this is 50 cents candy shop.

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