Thursday 29 October 2015

Lighting Analysis

Jessie ware- wildest moments-
The video starts with a dark background and only her silhouette; this could show that she has something to hide, as she is facing the other way so she is hiding her face. 

Although this changes when a light fades to show her. The lightness could represent her going through different moments of her life, these being the happier moments.

The background continues to get lighter, suggesting that she is getting happier but also the white could symbolize her being freer and moving on in her life with as white has connotations of purity, innocence, wholeness and completion. Also, the camera zooms out, suggesting that she no longer has anything to hide as she is showing more of her body. Also, she is wearing white which portrays her to be innocent as white has connotations of this. 

 The lighting finally goes to a bright white, suggesting she’s at her happiest, but also as she is blending into the background this would also symbolize her fading away.
Lastly the lighting fades back to black which could suggest that she is still unhappy and just pretending to be happy as she goes back into the darkness.
The opening shot shows another silhouette, which is intriguing as she is in an interesting position with the dancers. The background is also quite dark, so we have the idea of starting on a mysterious, gloomy note as black can represent mystery. The audience will have with anticipation of what is to come as it has just started.
The background immediately goes to white, focusing on the dancers and the singer, this shot puts a bolder focus on the people in the middle as they now stand out and are the main focus of the shot.
This shot makes the character look like an angel or as if they are going to heaven because of the bright white lighting in front.
This shot makes the couple look innocent and pure and very much in love as white represents innocence and purity.
The background is again very bright, which emphasizes the dancers and what they are doing as they are completely contrasting colours.

The almost plain background makes the audience focuses on the singer, and the black and white, makes the video look more professional and sophisticated. Also, black and white gives the video a more urban style as it is more authentic, which works in this video. 

 The black and white almost makes the video look like an old film which makes it look more sophisticated.
The shades on the blinds cover the female characters face which makes her look sad, the blue tinge adds to this effect as the colour blue has connotations of sincerity and reservedness .
 The dancer wearing white t-shirts gives them emphasis and enhances them compared to the rest of the party who are wearing dark clothes, so the dancers stand out.

The purple tinge gives a sense of luxury and the dark background suggest mystery as we can’t see what’s going on.
The blue tinge shows the intimacy between the characters as blue can also symbolize trust, loyalty and faith, and the darkness and shadows suggest that they are alone as we can’t see anyone else.

Here, the lights are on exposing everyone at the party and the dancers, this is to show everyone having a good time and could symbolize the party going from a serious place to a friendlier one.although, there are  shadowy figures in the background which keep the nostalgic feel.

Target Audience Profile

Saturday 24 October 2015

Audience Profile Research

What are your aspirations in life?
Person 1: I hope to end up in a stable career that I am happy with.
Person 2: I would like to go into law.
Person 3: I would like to go to university.

What are some of your interests? E.g. do you like art, film, sport. Etc.
Person 1: Yeah I like art...I am quite creative
Person 2: I like films and things in the media.
Person 3: I'm into art and media

What are your opinions of music videos? Do you like them?
Person 1: Yes, I enjoy watching them
Person 2:  Yeah, they’re good
Person 3: Yes

What do you believe makes a good music video?
Person 1:  A good story line and interesting shots.
Person 2:  Good shots of the band.
Person 3: Yeah...a good story line.

How do you believe youth are presented in music videos?
Person 1: Sometimes negatively they are seen as partying the entire time
Person 2: I guess it’s a mixture. Youth is mostly viewed as like partying all the time and being into illegal things such as drugs.

Person 3: I guess it is a misrepresentation as most of the artists are in their mid-twenties.

Saturday 17 October 2015

Target audience table

  Characterisations of target audience
 What will be in your music video to engage them
 young character so the audience can relate to them
 gender-target both genders-mainly female
 female lead- females can relate to her
 income level/class- lower income
 song includes lyrics such as 'all i wanna do is take your money'

 geographic location-London
 filmed in London