Saturday 23 April 2016


We include an exclusive photo pack in our digipak for the fans so they can see behind the scenes images.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Evaluation: Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation: question 2

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Evaluation: Question 3

3. What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
Music video with annotations: 

I learnt that people liked our on beat editing and our location. We found that our shots of money weren't as effective as we had hoped. We found that our audience linked our video to others such as Jay Z which we liked. We found that we could have re done some shots as they were either too dark or shaky. We also found that our audience like the opening.
This is the questionnaire we asked our target audience to gain information about our music video. From our results, we found they were all of a similar age but they all like varying genres of music from heavy metal to RnB which was good for us as we had a range of opinions so our research was more representative. They all agreed that our music video fits the genre of a rap music video and they all like varying parts of the video from the time lapse to the on beat editing as they said they fit the video nicely and enjoyed watching it because of the editing. But they said that not all of the lighting was effective as some shots were too dark and some of the shots were shaky which made the video look less professional. They all agreed that it was a successful way to promote an artist because of all the close ups and they agreed that the video appeals to their age group as it included people form their age group and places they had been to before so they enjoyed watching it.

Evaluation: Question 4

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Sunday 17 April 2016

Behind the scenes magazine photoshoot

We had a screen so the background would be plain, this was so it looked professional as usually magazine adverts are done in studios.

We had a soft box and lighting gels to get the effect we wanted. We used the soft box to create even and diffused light.
We were happy with the effect we created with the lighting gels as the blue and red created a purple tinge and 3-D shadow effects.

Target audience feedback: Comments on music video

· From our feed back we took into account that our lighting could be improved so we decided to re film some shot as not all of the shots looked professionals, but mostly we were happy with the feedback as it was mostly positive.

Friday 1 April 2016

Magazine advert flat plan

Instagram update

From our Instagram page we have got a positive response from people commenting on our pictures, saying they like the photos, which would build a fan base for our artist, so if we were promoting a real artist, we believe Instagram is a successful platform to use. 

Target Audience interview analysis

After our target audience interviews, we evaluated the answers and discussed how we should edit our music video to accommodate everyone's tastes and a wide target audience. We found that the people we interviewed had high aspirations, so we incorporated this into our music video, the showing of money shows that the character is successful, what the target audience would aspire to be. Secondly, we found that all the people we interviewed were creative, so we incorporated a creative element onto our video, e.g. a known creative area (Camden) and street art to accommodate our target audience. When asked about music videos One of our interviewees said that they 'express the artists vision', so with this we tried to take what M.I.A had expressed in 'paper planes' and incorporate that its visuals, which also follows Goodwin's theory. We asked our target audience what they thought made a good music video and they responded that they liked ones with good story lines, which we tried to incorporate. They also said ones with interesting shots, we also tried to get a range of camera angles. One of our interviewees said she like choreography in music videos but we discussed this and decided it would be unrealistic and difficult as we don't know any dancers. Another one of our target audience said she liked music videos that 'goes with the beat', which we did incorporate, and the music matching the visuals also follows Goodwin's theory. Finally, we asked our target audience how they felt youth were represented in music videos, they said youth are represented as 'partying all the time' and in a negative light. Often, they said teenagers were associated with drugs, money and sex. We have included money in our music video but have tried to present it in a positive light, as a sign of success and to motivate our target audience into having high aspirations. Another one of our target audience said that teenagers are 'misrepresented' as most artists aren't even teens and so don't represent a realistic picture of youth. So, from these comments we decided to include a teenager in our music video, that is portrayed in a positive light, with an up beat and friendly music video to oppose traditional stereotypes of youth in music videos.