Friday 12 February 2016


Our video opens with a time-lapse from a view of a bus, a high angle shot. Secondly there are beats where we will use on-beat editing of 7 shots. The first will be a mid-shot of graffiti. The next shot will be a long shot of the Camden lock bridge. Afterwards there will be a scene in the market. Then a long shot of the Camden underground sign. Then another mid-shot of a different bit of graffiti and finally a close up of the Camden tube sign. Then the lyrics come in and there will be a low angle shot of our character lip synching into the camera. Then a close up of the back of her shoes walking, then back to the lip synching shot, then a close up of the back of our characters head walking. Then we have a close up of our character lip-synching and the camera is moving, giving a disorienting feel. Then there is another shot of the back of feet walking, this introduces our second character. Then it goes back to the first lip synching shot, then the back of the second characters head walking. Net is another lip synching shot with the moving, disorientating camera. This changes to an extreme lose up of our characters lips lip-synching. This goes to a mid-shot of our character walking into a shop, to a loser shot, looking at clothes, to her looking in a mirror. After this is another shot of our character head walking, although this time she is on a different location. It then goes back to the extreme close up of our characters mouth. This is where the chorus comes in, we introduce this with a mid-shot of our character lip synching in front of some graffiti which changes to a close up of her standing in front of graffiti and the background changing on beat with the chorus. Then there is a quick close-up skateboarding shot, this goes back to the lip synching shot, then a close up of bubble gum popping, then back to the lip synching shot. Then for the second set of on beat editing we have money appearing one after the other, then back to the skateboarding, lip synching and bubble-gum popping, this repeats throughout. The third set of on beat editing is our character walking through a crowd, getting closer each time. The fourth set is our characters changing on the same background. The net shot is a lip synching shot, our character, Lj, is walking on a busy street and singing as she goes along. Then, there is a mid-shot of Lj walking into Charing Cross station, after this it goes back to the previous lip-synching shot. After this there is an over-the-shoulder shot of our second character, Luke, on his phone which turns to a close up of him texting Lj asking where she is. We then go back to Lj, with a close up shot of the back of her head going down an escalator. This switches to another lip-synching shot where Lj is walking along a graffiti wall. This goes back to a mid-shot of Lj walking down some stairs to the tube platform, the train is then see pulling in then there is a close up of Lj on the tube then a high angle of her on her phone which goes to an extreme close up of her replying to Luke’s text. This changes to a high angle of Luke skating. There is then another chorus, where the same lip synching shot is used as previously, although the on beat editing is Lj changing jackets, the second lot of on beat editing in the second chorus is Luke standing in front of graffiti and the backgrounds changing behind him and then Luke’s jackets changing. Finally, the last of the o beat editing is the repeat of the money although this time there is appearing in a different order. As the hook comes in the Camden tube sign is shown, the there is a mid-shot of Lj leaving the station, and then another skating shot. After this, there is a mid-shot of Lj walking up to Luke, then a close up of Luke standing up, then a mid-shot of the two hugging. After this, there is a mid-shot of them walking together, showing the back of their heads. Another close-up skating shot and finally a long shot of the two walking off together arm I arm leading to a backwards shot of the tube to symbolize the ending.

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