Wednesday 3 February 2016

Rough Cut Evaluation

Rough cut evaluation
We still need to film more shots for our on beat editing section as we are not happy with all of them as some of them look unprofessional as the lighting is too dark. We would also like to re film a few shots as they didn’t come out as well as we had hoped as it was darker than we had anticipated. We believe the opening shot is successful as it introduces the video nicely; we also like the on beat editing as it introduces the video and works to establish our music video and location, it does this by showing the scenery and tells us where the video is set. We also like our first low angle shot of our character as it sets the scene of an urban music video.
This first long shot establishes the scene and we believe the long shot is effective as it includes a wide array of things into the shot such as people, traffic and famous landmarks, making it interesting and recognisable. Which works with what we are trying to portray.
 For our on beat editing we changed the background. We thought this was successful as it complimented the music and matches the videos aesthetic. We also need to cut shots as some are too long and insert a different section it of film in between. We are also going to try and incorporate a larger range of costumes and more camera angles such as close-ups and focus more on lighting
 This tracking shot is effective as it includes voyeurism that attracts audiences as it shows something you wouldn’t usually see, in this case it’s our character being followed, but we think we need to change the tracking shots of Luke as they aren't as good as Lj's ones.

We may have to re film these shots because on this particular day we were running late and didn’t get to film these parts until it was darker, when we re film we will do it in more high key lighting to get a clearer shot to match with the rest of the video.

We used money as part of the mise-en-scene as M.I.A is singing about money so we followed Goodwin’s theory of matching the lyrics to the visuals, we also did this with trains as we filmed a train and this correlates with some of the lyrics.

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